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Support for Nationwide Retail Systems (NRS) Biometric Hardware



This KB article relates to PaperCut MF, the edition of PaperCut that implements copier control and the use of 3rd party Biometric hardware primarily used in the UK.

We often receive emails and phone calls asking us about NRS Biometric support. This knowledge base article is designed to give customers and resellers a brief overview of how the solution works and where to find more information.

MFD support for USB devices.

Firstly here is some general background information on Multi-Function Device support for USB hardware (keyboards / proximity readers / magstripe readers / etc.). Support for USB devices normally relies on the MFD and not PaperCut. There are some exceptions but as a general rule if the MFD supports the device, then it should work with PaperCut.

How it works

Biometric support is enabled by effectively emulating a USB card reader. The biometric scanner is connected via USB to an MFD running PaperCut software and also connected to the network via a LAN port. The workflow in simple terms is:

  • User scans his finger/thumb print at the biometric scanner
  • The biometric data (template) is sent to a local server
  • Template is then looked up and verified as a user
  • Matched users has an ID number associated with them
  • The ID number is sent back via the network to the biometric scanner
  • Biometric scanner sends the ID number via USB to the MFD
  • ID number matches the Card/ID number of a user in PaperCut
  • User is logged into PaperCut


NRS offers various biometric solutions including an ID management system called Smart iD. This is often used with the cashless catering solution trust-e. NRS also supports:

  • E-Registration
  • Password Management
  • Physical (Building) Access
  • Locker Access
  • Time and Attendance
  • Library Management
  • Vending

Supported hardware

Currently NRS and our UK partners/resellers have verified the biometric solution works on the following platforms:

This list will be updated as and when testing is complete. (Please note, not all devices may be supported)

For more information about NRS with PaperCut please contact Nationwide Retail Systems

(Please note, PaperCut Software do not sell biometric hardware or software)

Categories: Reference Articles , Devices

Keywords: fingerprint , mf-only


Last updated June 13, 2024