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How to set up the Payment Gateway Module


Note that you will need to obtain an account/service for the Online Payment Gateway service that you require, before you’ll be able to install and configure the Payment Gateway. This needs to be obtained from the Online Payment Gateway vendor, not through PaperCut.


All documentation for the Individual Payment Gateways, and the ‘Payment Gateway Module - Manual’ which covers the general installation for the Payment Gateways, can be found on the Payment Gateway Guides page.

Step 1: Purchase an updated PaperCut license or subscription

If you’re a PaperCut NG customer, you can use the PaperCut NG Online Orders page in order to add a Payment Gateway component to your current license, or purchase a new license with the Payment Gateway component.

If you’re a PaperCut MF customer, you’ll need to contact your Authorized PaperCut Partner for a quote and an updated license file (or updated Subscription if you’re using PaperCut MF subscriptions).

Step 2: Download and install the Payment Gateway Module

Download the payment gateway for PaperCut NG/MF Version 19.0+

Step 3: Configure the specific Payment Gateway required

Download the configuration guides for your specific Payment Gateway (e.g. PayPal / Blackboard etc).

Payment Gateway Module Release History




Change ID

19 Jan 2024


Fixed an issue with CBORD Payment Gateway where extraneous data was being prefixed to XML responses. [PO-1612]

Security enhancement to ensure that all password fields within the configuration files; and any payment gateway configuration files, are encrypted. [PO-1130]


19 Jan 2023


Fixed an error that showed an error page on devices when trying to top up an account on demand. Fixed an error in the Official payment gateway. Fixed an error that canceled payments from Paypal. Removed personal identifiable information from the logs.

[PO-1026] [PC-18912] [PO-1058] [PO-1166]

26 Sep 2022


Fixed an error in the Moneris Checkout for Papercut MF/NG versions 19.x and 20.x. For Realex gateway use their hosted page for billing info validation.

[PO-1047] [PO-543]

08 Sep 2022


Fixed a typo in the Moneris Checkout configuration file.


31 Aug 2022


Realex Payment Gateway 3D Secure - We’ve added a new form to the Realex Payment Gateway to comply with new Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) regulations in the European Union. Added the Moneris Checkout payment gateway.

[PO-59] [PO-938]

27 Jan 2022


Updated to remove log4j from the Payment Gateway module install. The payment gateway will use whatever version is installed as part of the App Server installation.


20 Dec 2021


Updated with log4j version 2.17.


17 Dec 2021


Updated with log4j version 2.16.


10 Nov 2021


Fixed keyword when writing to the user’s transaction log. Corrected log levels (previously all messages output as error).

[PO-439] [PO-515]

4 Nov 2021


Updated Network API Payment Gateway to not log errors on receiving a 404 response from the remote server. Note: Module starts including log4j*jar files in the build (not used actively)


14 Oct 2021


Made Network Payment Gateway balance check more tolerant of integer balance values.


14 May 2021


Improvements to the handling of the HPP_KEY when using the Moneris payment gateway.


20 Nov 2019


Functionality added for developers who need to provide a custom job payment integration.


Determining which Payment Gateway version is running

How to find which version of the Payment Gateway module you’re running:

  1. Within the Application Server file system, navigate to: [MF/NG installation directory]/server/lib-ext.
  2. Open the file ext-payment-gateway-version.txt.
  3. Check the line with version-build= - this will match up with the last 3 digits of the ‘Version’ notes above.

Categories: How-to Articles , Charging and Billing , Installing, Uninstalling and Migrating

Keywords: payment gateway , documentation , payment documentation , payment gateway manual , setup instructions , installation , download , enable , guide


Last updated June 13, 2024