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How to collect Application Server Debug Logs


Please also see Reporting Problems

PaperCut NG/MF has advanced debugging options that allows itself to produce a highly detailed text log of application activity. These logs allow PaperCut support engineers and developers to inspect the internal workings of the PaperCut Application Server, and pinpoint the cause of the problem you may be encountering. Enabling debug logging is usually only required if requested by the PaperCut Support Team, or your PaperCut Authorised Partner.

The video below demonstrates how to enable debug mode and collect logs from the Application Server (note that this video currently reflects the process for versions of PaperCut NG/MF earlier than v17.3):

Procedure Steps

1. Open the administrator web interface and log in as a user with PaperCut NG/MF administrator rights.

2. Navigate to the Options tab, then the Advanced sub-tab.

3. Turn on the Enable debug mode option, and click the Apply button of the page.

4. Replicate the issue you’re facing (for instance, printing a few test documents from a network workstation). Try to select a situation that is likely to cause the particular issue being investigated.

5. Record the following information:

  • The date and time the print job was submitted and released.
  • The Username.
  • The Document Name.
  • The Printer Job Language.
  • The Job ID.
  • The IP Address and Hostname name of the printer receiving the print job.
  • The IP Address and Hostname name of the workstation that sent the job to the printer.

All of this information will help our support engineers and developers match up log entries with your testing activities. Additional information, such as what was observed or what was expected, can also prove very useful. If you want to provide any other contextual information that you feel may be relevant or useful, please do! In particular, screenshots and videos are always appreciated to help get a clearer view of the issue.

6. Wait five or so minutes, to ensure the log data has been recorded to be your Application’s server’s log files.

7. Navigate back to the Options tab, then the Advanced sub-tab, and click to enable the Download diagnostics file option now found in the Diagnostics section of the page. Then, click the Download Diagnostics File button to save a .zip archive of the collected log files.

If you run PaperCut MF, provide that resulting file to your PaperCut Authorised Partner. Their contact details can be found under the Support section of the About tab in the Admin web interface.

If you run PaperCut NG, open a ticket with the PaperCut Support Team. Your log files and other information you send to us will be treated with care in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


If you need to capture more than 100 MB of logs, please refer to the following Knowledge Base article.

If you’re not able to get into the administrator web interface to enable debug mode due to the issue you are encountering, and you’ve been asked to do so, you can still achieve this by performing the following steps:

  • Shutdown the PaperCut Application Server service.

  • Open a command prompt on your Application Server with administrative level privileges.

  • Use the cd command to change to the db-tools.exe directory, and then run the following command:

    db-tools.exe set-config system.enable-debug Y

  • Follow steps 4–6 in the Procedure Steps outlined further up on this article.

  • Copy all the files from the following directory to a temporary location, before then zipping them into an archive.: [app-path]/server/logs/*.*

If requested to enable debugging in the PaperCut Print Provider, see here.

Categories: How-to Articles , Logs

Keywords: debug logging , debug mode , app server , debugging , ng , mf


Last updated June 13, 2024