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Conditional Watermarking of Print Jobs


Is it possible to change watermarking based on situations/conditions?

Yes. This is possible using the print scripting feature. A script can set, change or turn off watermarking based on any condition such as username, user group, document name, and other device attributes. The action API that sets watermarking is:

actions.job.setWatermark("My Watermark Text")

Please see the print scripting and the pre-written recipe “Print Scripting for Students and not Staff” for more information.

How do I conditionally turn off watermarking?

This can be done by setting the watermark using a print script to an empty zero-length string. For example:

  if (inputs.user.isInGroup(“Staff”)) {
      actions.job.setWatermark(“ ”);

Writing scripts is complex. Can’t you just add a GUI checkbox option?

Good point. Yes. Scripting is complex at times. We have considered adding a simple GUI option (e.g. only apply to group A). Scripting at the current time offers this ability and much more. If we find demand for a GUI option we’ll consider this addition. If you have any thoughts on this, please make it known. All our features are implemented based on votes so make sure you email support and have your say.

Categories: FAQ , Watermarks and Signatures , Print Jobs

Keywords: turn off watermarking , rule based watermark , change footer text


Last updated June 13, 2024