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Support for BioStore Biometric Hardware



This KB article relates to PaperCut MF, the edition of PaperCut that implements copier control and the use of 3rd party Biometric hardware primarily used in the UK.

BioStore has been developing identity management technology for schools & businesses since 2005, providing high quality, secure systems, making it easy to manage the various software applications in use through one secure central database.

This central database stores all of the biometric credentials and is where PaperCut can be linked into to allow login at an MFD via biometric fingerprint login.

BioStore offers additional hardware which includes their IDPoints and an integration kit which allows their readers to interact with the MFDs.

A user ID is specified within the Biostore software which is passed to the MFD and the PaperCut embedded software. This allows the Biometric terminal to act as a card reader and open up the ability for self-card (or in this case finger) registration. This ID can be exported from the Biostore database and imported into Active Directory or directly into PaperCut to avoid the need for user’s to register their fingerprint.

Users can self-register their finger with their username and password in the same way as you can with a card reader.

We often receive emails and phone calls asking us about BioStore biometric support. This knowledge base article is designed to let customers and resellers know where they can find more information.

For more information about BioStore with PaperCut please contact BioStore Limited

(Please note, PaperCut Software do not sell biometric hardware or software)

Categories: Reference Articles , Devices

Keywords: fingerprint , biometrics , mf-only


Last updated June 13, 2024