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Multiple Application Server Licensing


We often get asked the question, “Am I allowed to run PaperCut NG/MF on multiple servers?” The short answer is, “yes you can, with a few conditions.”

How can my license be used?

When you purchase a license for PaperCut NG / MF you have the right to install the software into your environment. This installation may consist of a single print server or multiple print servers in your network. The license entitles you to install one Application server into your production environment with either multiple sites servers, multiple secondary servers, and/or multiple direct print clients.

The above scenario works for a large proportion of our customers, with all management and control of their print environment being managed through a single Application server and controlling printing across the entire organization.

Prior to PaperCut MF 24.0, or PaperCut NG 24.0.3, you could also use this same license to install a second PaperCut Application server into your testing environment for validation purposes. However, since PaperCut MF 24.0 and PaperCut NG 24.0.3, be aware that entitlements (such as the number of purchased devices etc) will be shared between any Application Servers with the same license and CRN (Customer Reference Number). See Important points to know about PaperCut MF licensing (Global set of entitlements) for more information.

Can I use my license or subscription to run a separate PaperCut Application server at multiple sites?

There are some occasions where the ‘one Application Server’ model does not suit all customers. Generally, in these cases, we would expect that if multiple Application servers are to be run in your organization, you would purchase a license or subscription for each new Application server install, or ensure that your single license/subscription covers all entitlements across all sites. This would be valid in cases where you have split IT management of the different sites, and each location runs as a separate entity.

For example: ‘Company X’ operates in Australia, Singapore, and the USA. Whilst it is a single organization each location is maintained separately with a local I.T. team managing the hardware, software, and networks independently. In this scenario the options are:

  • the organization purchases multiple licenses / multiple subscriptions. One license for Australia that covers the entitlements and MFDs in Australia, a separate license for Singapore that covers the entitlements and MFDs in Singapore, and another separate license for USA, that covers the entitlements and MFDs in the USA. In this case, each site would effectively have its own CRN (Customer Reference Number) e.g. Corp USA, Corp Australia, and Corp Singapore.
  • the organisation purchases a single license / single subscription. The single license or subscription covers the total entitlements needed by all 3 regions, and those entitlements are then shared and consumed by the regions. This option requires more co-ordination between regions, since the IT admin in Australia could add 3 more devices than agreed, and it could stop one of the other regions from adding further devices since it’s a single shared pool of entitlements.

See Important points to know about PaperCut NG/MF licensing (Global set of entitlements) for more information.

Can I use my license or subscription in a cluster?

PaperCut NG and MF can support clustering through multiple methods. PaperCut is licensed on a domain/site wide basis and the one license will cover all servers, including multiple nodes inside a cluster. There is no need to purchase a separate license for each node.

In a cluster environment, the Application Server component is often installed on two or more nodes to provide a degree of redundancy and load distribution. The license needs to be installed on each node. This can be accomplished in two ways. Option 1 is often the most convenient on a currently live system.

See Clustering and high availability for more detailed information on setting up clustering with PaperCut NG/MF.

Option 1 - Manual copy

Install the license as explained in the user guide. Manually copy the file:

C:\Program Files\PaperCut NG\server\application.license

from the currently active node and copy across to the same location on other nodes. This file contains the digitally signed license and its presence will license all nodes.

Note for PaperCut MF 24.0 and later, or PaperCut NG 24.0.3 or later**:** the application.license file may not exist. As long as you have registered your license (uploaded it) or activated your subscription (using the activation key) on one side of the cluster, when you switch to the other side it will already be registered and in-step with the other side.

Option 2 - Simulated node failure

Install the license as explained in the user guide. This will license the currently active node. Simulate node failure so the other node becomes active. Wait a few seconds for the other node to activate, and then repeat the procedure on this node.

Note for PaperCut MF 24.0 and later, or PaperCut NG 24.0.3 or later: activating the license on the other node will not be needed, since the cluster is sharing the same database.

Categories: SalesAndLicensing

Keywords: Enterprise , Multiple sites


Last updated July 25, 2024