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Print Archiving Overview


Print Archiving provides a series of benefits over standard network printing but can be seen as a security breach if not fully understood. This Knowledge base will be covering a few topics on what additions PaperCut can add.

Compliance and Governance

Most organizations have data management objectives and specific policies around tracking the flow of sensitive information, use of thumb drives, cloud storage, etc. Print Archiving has been developed with such security and auditing considerations in mind, giving your IT team the tools to comply with externally mandated and legal requirements

Identify Misuse and abuse of printing policies

Print Archiving allows a system administrator to remotely monitor not only the volume of printed pages, but also the content. Isolated and unsupervised printers are no longer open to rampant abuse, as administrators can now review printed documents on demand.

Common Objections


When developing Print Archiving, we made sure that we allowed the use of fine-grained access control. Security has always been an important part of PaperCut and we made sure that this was taken into account with Print Archiving in two ways:

  • Print Archiving is turned off by default
  • When enabled, only the top-level “Admin” account has access to to view printed documents. Additional users must be added in manually.

All my print jobs are now being saved!

At first glance, this can be a scary thought. The truth is that PaperCut is simply added more accessibility around a feature that was already in Windows. Keep printed documents is a Windows feature that makes the Windows’ print queue keep spool files instead of deleting them after the document has been printed. This allows users or administrators to later reprint or view the spool file.

PaperCut adds security and auditing around a process that is already part of modern Windows networks.

Categories: Reference Articles , Print Archiving

Keywords: print archiving , print archiving benifits , turn off print archiving , disable print archiving


Last updated June 13, 2024