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Importing User Office and Department from non-standard fields in Active Directory


When using PaperCut’s native Active Directory integration, the user’s office and department fields are imported from the standard Active Directory office and department fields. In some organizations they store this information in alternate fields in Active Directory or use the Company attribute instead, and would like these to be imported into PaperCut for reporting purposes.

There currently isn’t a way to change which field is imported using the standard Active Directory source, however you can use PaperCut’s LDAP integration to retrieve this information.

PaperCut’s LDAP integration can import users, authenticate users, etc in the same way as the native Active Directory integration. The only downside of using the LDAP integration is that you cannot make use of AD nested groups.

To configure PaperCut to import the office/deparment from a different AD field:

  1. Open the Admin interface and login as an admin user.

  2. Select the Options section, then the User/Group Sync tab.

  3. Select the LDAP user source. For detailed instructions on LDAP setup see the manual

  4. Apply the changes and perform a test to ensure your LDAP configuration is working as expected.

At this point PaperCut will still import the office/department from the standard AD fields. To change the field the PaperCut uses requires some configuration of PaperCut’s LDAP import settings. These settings are described in the manual here.

You can set the ldap.schema.user-department-field or the ldap.schema.user-office-field fields to change the AD field that is retrieved.

Information about editing a config key is given here

Tip: To find the exact names of the LDAP fields, it would be worth looking into LDAP Browser tool to find the names of the fields.

Categories: How-to Articles , User Management

Keywords: LDAP , AD , Active Directory , office , department , field , sync , import


Last updated February 15, 2024