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How do I self-associate a card with the secondary ID field?


Users may have up to two card/ID numbers associated with their account from within the PaperCut Admin Interface.

By default when a swipe card is used and self-association is enabled the number read from the card is created in the Primary Card/Identity Numbers field. In some situations this may not be preferable. For example you may wish to sync the Primary field with Active Directory and have any self-associated cards numbers go into the Secondary Card/Identity Numbers field instead.

To change the field the self-associated card number goes into you will need to edit a config key in the PaperCut Administration Console.

  1. Log into the administration interface as the admin user.

  2. Navigate to Options and select the Config Editor (Advanced) Action from the left set of Action links.

  3. Use the Quick find: to locate the key:

  4. Change the value to Y (yes) and press the Update button.

This will mean any cards self-associated to a user will automatically use the secondary card number field rather than the primary.

If you want to restore the default setting simply set the config key to N and hit Update.

Device Level Configuration

The use of the secondary ID field can also be configured per device. To change the card number field for a particular device:

  1. Log into the administration interface as the admin user.

  2. Navigate to Devices and select the Device Name to configure.

  3. Select the Advanced Config device tab and use Quick find to locate the key:

  4. Change the value to Y (yes) and press the Update button.

Alternatively, the device can be configured to use the primary card number field with the value N, or default to the global setting by changing the value to GLOBAL.

If the key does not exist, it can be created via the Add new section, providing the name, value of Y (yes) and pressing Add.

Categories: How-to Articles , User Management

Keywords: dual cards , multiple cards , multiple ids , multiple card numbers , additional card numbers , separate ID and card numbers , per user , two cards , multi card , multi , secondary identity , LDAP sync , AD sync


Last updated March 15, 2024