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Design your print room store’s products

When developing your stores products, you want to think about not just the services you already provide but also potential new services that you can offer.

Focus on capabilities already available on your printers to quickly enhance the services you already provide.

Where to start

Let’s focus on how users will interact with your storefront. It’s tempting to just think of the services you already provide (like printing and binding), but you want to ask yourself: “What are my users looking for when they interact with my storefront?”

Start by looking at the types of materials you have and the inherent capability of each printer, such as binding, holepunching, booklet making, etc. These will give you a good indication of what you can offer. It also helps with reducing the feeling of being overwhelmed with options, and makes it easier for students and users to stick to any internal policies. By aligning these important factors you also make life easier for print room staff, as you standardize available options and order types.

Setup a storefront experience to rival the best print shops.
Setup a storefront experience to rival the best print shops.

Example of mapping services to products

Let’s look at print room that offers the following services, and then map them into products:

  • A4 and A3 printing
  • Ring binding and stapling
  • Laminating

Now, let’s collect these into some common uses cases for users:

Example product Usage Services available
Documents Standard document print outs


  • A4 printing
  • Only standard paper thicknesses offered suitable for documents
  • Stapling
Posters For use at events, to use in a classroom or in team area
  • A4 and A3 printing
  • Only thicker paper offered, suitable for use as a poster
  • Laminating
Class notes Handouts in class (for education)
  • A4 printing
  • Ring binding or stapling
Exam papers Exams at the end or a tem (for education)
  • A4 printing
  • Stapling

And many more, but you get the idea…

Notice how, by changing the thinking from your capabilities to what your users are after, you’ll avoid confusion, reduce the chance of mistakes and generally keep things flowing better!

Want to know more…?

For more information about print rooms and products: