PaperCut NG - Download
Get PaperCut NG free for 40 days
Your PaperCut NG trial will last for 40 days from the first time you launch the app on a new device.
Hmm looks like you’re on a mobile or tablet
We’ll send a link to the PaperCut NG download to your email. PaperCut NG won’t install on your current device but it will happily install on your laptop or desktop.
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PaperCut NG Free Trial FAQ
Is the trial fully functional?
Yes, PaperCut NG will fully operate for 40 days.
What is included with the trial?
All downloads include the user manual and client software for Windows, OS X and Linux workstations.
What platform does the trial work on?
PaperCut NG supports all platforms including Windows (64-bit and 32-bit), OS X servers (the system hosting the print queues) or Linux x64 (64-bit) servers running CUPS or Samba print queues and Novell OES Linux servers running iPrint, CUPS or Samba print queues.
It also supports Microsoft's Universal Print cloud platform.
What happens after 40 days?
Got the go ahead to purchase? Buy a license online or from your PaperCut reseller.
How do I keep the trial running after 40 days?
Got the go ahead to purchase? Buy a license online or from your PaperCut reseller.
What if we take longer than 40 days?
We understand that purchase decisions can take a longer than the trial. Don’t worry, there’s no loss of data as PaperCut will continue to run in the background however you will have limited access to features and reporting.
How much does it cost?
PaperCut NG pricing is based on the number of users (not servers), and industry you're from. A one off payment with no obligation to upgrade and no annual fees.
I'd like to try but don't want to install it yet in production?
We agree, installing trials on live systems can ring alarm bells! Consider a standalone machine or VM if you're keen to have a quick play. If you're installing on a production system, we recommend setting up in "silent monitoring" mode by ensuring you don't yet set up any limits or quotas.
I like PaperCut NG, but want to manage my devices. Can I experience PaperCut MF?
You sure can. We'll put you in touch with our awesome partners who help set up and support your unique PaperCut MF configuration. Get started here.
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