PaperCut NG 24.0 release history
PaperCut NG 24.0
Please find release note history for PaperCut NG 24.0 below.
Related articles:
How to upgrade (upgrade steps)
and our
Upgrade policy and license questions

Release history 24.0
- Enhanced the Activated Servers table on the About > Registration page so that the UUID is now fully displayed. [PO-2710]
- Improved the user experience when configuring Google OAuth SMTP settings, so that values do not need need to be re-entered after succesfully authenticating. [PO-2576]
Fixed an issue that was causing a NullPointer exception during an LDAP sync with Novell eDirectory. [PO-2619]
Fixed an issue affecting v24.0.4 installs, that was causing the job log layout options to be missing on the printer and device job log pages. [PO-2684]
Fixed an issue where some entitlements are displaying as “unknown” on the About > Registration page. [PO-2402]
Changed the app log severity type from ERROR to WARN for the background entitlements sync process where connection to the cloud service is unsuccessful. Please note that customers may still see sync errors in the Application Log - see known issue PO-2745 for more information. [PO-2569]
Print Provider:
- Print analysis: Fixed an issue where an image printed in color detected as grayscale when printing with the HP Universal PostScript printer driver on macOS. [PIE-807]
- Web Print (Windows): Fixed an issue where the image handler did not support hot folders specified as a root directory with only a drive letter. [PIE-812]
- Added a new table in the About > Registration page showing a list of active Application Servers using the same CRN. A ‘deactivate’ option allows admins to deactivate the Application Server remotely. This will release entitlements from the server and make them available for other active servers to claim. See Releasing all entitlements from an Application Server for more info. [PO-2508]
- Added Admin Rights to control access to the Enable Printing section, including Print Deploy, Mobility Print and Universal Print. Note, the “View connected clients and assign print queues” right is for a new Print Deploy feature that will be released in PaperCut NG version 24.1. [PD-2006]
- Fixed an issue that was causing a page error to occur when pay stations were created. [PO-2548]
- Fixed an issue that was erroneously reporting 0.0 MB free space available in the header of the PaperCut NG/MF Application Server log files. [PO-2095]
- Fixed an issue in the CSV version of the Shared account security access report where only Sub Shared Account Pin Codes were shown. Please note: A new column has been added called `shared-account-parent-code` and the `code` column has been renamed `shared-account-sub-code`. [PO-1793]
- HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4303 devices: Fixed an issue that prevented the serial number and toner information from being read from HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4303 devices. [PIE-782]
Print Provider:
- PDL transforms for Epson: Input tray and staple settings enabled for print jobs using the PaperCut Global PostScript printer driver are now properly handled by Epson devices. Thank you to Epson for implementing the PDL transform script. [PIE-770]
- Upgraded GhostTrap ( with an updated version of Ghostscript (10.03.1). For more information, see Ghost Script Vulnerabilities . [PO-2204]
Universal Print:
- Updated the Universal Print connector to version 2024-08-09-2032 .
New Features:
PaperCut NG v24.0.3 is available for PaperCut NG customers. The following changes have been introduced:
- Internet access is required when upgrading to v24.0.3 NG and syncing entitlements. PaperCut NG must be able to connect to a new Global Entitlements Service to sync its installed license entitlements. Existing licenses will be activated automatically on upgrade. See Important points to know about PaperCut NG/MF licensing (Internet connection requirements) for more information.
- New ‘Registration’ page. Added a ‘Registration’ page within the PaperCut NG admin interface to display license details and PaperCut contact details. See Managing entitlements for more information. [PO-1299]
- Deactivating an installation. The ‘Registration’ page contains a new button for PaperCut NG administrators to deactivate the installation. Clicking this button clears out the entitlements that the install has claimed so the entitlements can be reused for another site, or another fresh install. This requires a connection to the Global Entitlements Service. See Managing entitlements for more information. [PO-1658]
- Environments with multiple application servers. Due to the new mechanism for syncing entitlements, multiple Application Servers will sync to a single source of entitlements for the customer. This means that PaperCut NG environments that are using the same license file on each server will now use a single set of licensed items. Prior to upgrading to v24, customers must ensure that their license covers the total number of devices used across their Application Servers. See Important points to know about PaperCut NG/MF licensing (Global set of entitlements) for more information. [PO-1302]
- Updated EULA. The EULA has been updated for version 24. See End User License Agreement (EULA) for more information. [PO-2072]
- Client Installer: Improvements to make the installation MSI Microsoft Intune compatible. [PO-652]
- Updated third party dependancies [PO-1725][PO-2306]
- Increased the grace period for existing customers who upgrade to 24.x that cannot access the Global Entitlements Service from 30 to 120 days. See Known issue PO-2223 (Internet connection required) for more information. [PO-2440]
- Fixed a rare issue where bulk user actions could create/update a user to have the same primary username as another user’s alias. For bulk user operations, the primary username will now always take priority and the clashing alias will be removed. [PO-2143]
- Fixed a problem that when an end user clicks on the shared PCClient/win/pc-client-local-cache.exe file in the server folder, the cached version of the desktop client was always, which prevented timely updates of the user client binaries to the end user computers. [PO-1877]
- Google Cloud Directory: Multi-domain user syncing for normalized (aka domain-less) user names. [PO-2341]
- Fixed the setup of user groups to reflect changes made to the sync domain(s) specified. [PO-2380]
- Added the ability to batch import internal users without having to specify passwords (reverting back to the behavior prior to version 22.1.0). [PO-2236]
- Fixed a web-SSO issue that caused admins to be incorrectly redirected to the logout page. [PO-1812]
- Fixed an issue where a user sync was occurring on a secondary sync source when disabled. [PO-2403]
- Fixed a bug that allowed the creation of new internal users with usernames already taken for other users’ aliases in both UI and server command CLI. Also fixed a bug in the server command that could create a new standard user with a username already taken as another user’s alias. [PO-1506]
- User Sync: Improved user card PIN encoding times, and added an option to configure encoding strength. [PO-2226]
- Fixed an issue that prevented the user client and release station from launching in conjunction with screen readers such as NVDA. [PO-1700]
Print Provider:
- Sharp PostScript printer drivers and PPDs: Fixed an issue that caused incorrect total and color page counts when using booklet or poster print mode. [PIE-744]
- Fixed an issue that could cause delays when releasing print jobs if the ‘ServerName’ configuration is set. [PIE-762]
Other notes:
- A DB upgrade does occur when upgrading to this version.