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Papercut presents

Partner Summit 2024

Weren’t able to join us on the 4th June? No problem, you can still watch the recording in our post-event Showbag! Simply complete the form on this page and you’ll be redirected to the on-demand content from the event. Please note that the Showbag is only accessible through your PaperCut Partner Portal log-in. If you don’t have a log-in just ask a colleague to send you an invitation via the Portal platform.

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What can you expect?

There was a jam packed agenda, diving into...


We’ve spent the best part of 12 months creating unified subscription pricing for PaperCut MF and PaperCut Hive. This session will cover how this new approach to pricing simplifies technology adoption for our customers and prospects and also answer all your subscription questions.

PaperCut MF

Join us for a roadmap session on the latest enhancements to PaperCut MF - the go-to solution for organizations seeking greater control over their cloud infrastructure. Discover how these developments will further solidify Mf’s position as the leading solution in its class.

PaperCut Hive

Join us for a roadmap session outlining PaperCut Hive’s recent evolution and the upcoming enhancements that promise an even more exciting future. You’ll learn why PaperCut Hive is the very best choice for organizations looking to the public cloud to host their print management solution.

Cloud journeys

Moving print to the cloud is a game changer for our industry, but there’s no “one size fits all” approach. This session looks at the latest IDC research to identify the drivers behind the shift to cloud. We’ll also explore the various pathways that organizations are taking to modernize their print environments.

Cloud opportunities

This session - hosted by our world famous team of solutions architects - will help you navigate the diverse infrastructure options available to organizations as they modernize their tech stack. You’ll be better prepared to choose the best PaperCut solution for every scenario your prospects throw at you.


Chris Dance shares some of his favourite stories from organizations around the world that are modernizing their print environments with PaperCut MF and PaperCut Hive. You’ll have new anecdotes to share with customers and to help you close the deal with prospects.