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Install the software

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Before installing Job Ticketing, check that your server meets the system requirements:

Install Job Ticketing on a Windows server
  1. Download and run the Job Ticketing Windows install package.
  2. Follow the prompts in the Job Ticketing setup wizard.

Job Ticketing is installed in the following location: <job-ticketing-install-path>/job-ticketing/

Install Job Ticketing on a macOS server
  1. Download and run the Job Ticketing macOS install package.
  2. Follow the prompts in the Job Ticketing setup wizard.

Job Ticketing is installed in the following location: <job-ticketing-install-path>/job-ticketing/

Install Job Ticketing on a Linux server
  1. Download the Job Ticketing Linux install package.

  2. Run the file from any directory.

    shell> su - papercut

    shell> sh /job-ticketing/

    Job Ticketing is installed in the following location: <job-ticketing-install-path>/job-ticketing/

  3. Follow the installation instructions and enter the root password when requested.

Next Step: Log in to Job Ticketing
